Thursday, February 12, 2009

Flowers, paints and photos...oh my

Morning Glories are one of my favorite flowers...they always make me I picked some leaves, placed them on top of blue jean squares I had painted with Seta Color, put them in the sun, and waited. This is what it turned out to be, I simply stitched around the outline of the shadow of the leaves! Seta Color so cool to paint with it, then you just place objects on top of it, set it in the sun and watch as shadows of those objects appear on the fabric! I like to take photos of my flower gardens, or flowers on the side of a road, or well anywhere actually. (Isn't that one of the great things about a digital camera, you can take as many pictures as you want, see what they look like right away and delete the yicky ones!! What did we ever do before!) Once I have the photos in my computer, I either print them on paper and stitch them down or I print them on fabric and then add to a piece.

For this piece, I printed a photo of my lilies onto Fabraganza- a special printable organza by Jacquard-which I love----then just added some stitching to it to bring out some of the details. Just having fun and seeing what happens if.........


  1. I absolutely LOVE this piece !!! Where have you been hiding it ? You will have to show me how to do this and educate me on this product ! Love, Mom

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