Sunday, February 8, 2009

Having fun!!!

This is an unfinished piece, I loved the fabric, wasn't sure what to do with it, so I just started sewing. The bottom is nothing but a zig-zag stitch with a varigated thread over and over, and then the star-bursts above. This was the stepping off piece for me for the washer piece, seen on a previous blog.
This was done because of a challenge by my friend Karen. It was a summer challenge and it was the M challenge. To make a piece inspired by an artist whose name begins with M. I chose Joni Mitchell and the song "The River"..."I wish I had a river I could skate away on..." that was the inspiration for this piece..the river is actually a Christmas ornament I got at Eckerd's for 25 cents and then I took it apart and spread it out. When the piece was displayed, along with the other challenge pieces, it is rumoured that one kind lady said it didn't fit, because the inspiration for the piece wasn't an artist, just a singer...I wonder what Joni Mitchell would think of that??

This is a close-up of a piece that was done after a visit to the dentist. It is called "Novocain Flashback". The background is denim, with twisted yarns and threads couched down, and another Christmas ornament taken apart and sewn down. It is comforting to touch over the couched yarns and then your hand hits the bits and pieces of the ornament...Novocain Flashback

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